Antoine denounces his conditions of detention by writing and filming his daily life with a hidden camera

The pavilion of political prisoners - Kinshasa Penitentiary and Reeducation Center

Indigent prisoners cannot afford cells and crowd in the corridors

Prisoners must prepare food

Prisoners pray in a corridor

Antoine receives his children in his cell

An exterior corridor connects the pavilions to the main courtyard

A prisoner shows how much he has lost weight

Prisoners at the shower

Only ordinary prisoners are allowed to play sports

A dying man tries to sell old cassava leaves

The dying are locked in separate pavilions

No one comes to feed them

D'autres prisonniers moribonds

They smoke hemp to fall asleep

They sleep to forget hunger

Inscription on a wall of the main courtyard

The supervisory committee (made up of ordinary prisoners) ties up rebel prisoners

Ils se passent une seringue et injectent un poison à un prisonnier. Ce dernier mourra quelques heures plus tard.

Antoine in his cell with his son, the day before his escape

Antoine disguised as a woman moments after his escape

Once free and taken refuge abroad, Antoine finds his children